v8.0 [Nov 1, 2014]
New Features:
- Supported textures which do not have a valid OpenGL dimension (e.g. 512x1024) by upscaling them automatically.
Bug fix:
- Fixed regression preventing users from using local licenses while being offline.
- Fixed crash with non PRO/EDU licenses while relocating a sample project in a user directory.
- Supported modules path containing UTF-8.
- Supported textures paths containing UTF-8.
v6.4 [Jun 6, 2011]
Added DARwIn-OP, youBot, Nao and Pioneer 3AT simulations to guided tour
Added models of Pioneer 3DX and Pioneer 3AT (running with SICK lidar and Microsoft Kinect)
Fixed networking problems with license server on slow Internet connections
Katana (IPR) robot: allowed the build of ipr clients from the Webots IDE
Allowed a bunch of features in the FREE version of Webots: world save, text save, controller cross-compilation and new project wizard
Improved cameras
Added the Microsoft Kinect device
Added a new camera type (called "both") allowing to get simultaneously the color and the depth data
Improved the performance of the cameras in fast mode
Improved the performance of the noisy cameras
Added the possibility to add noise on a range-finder camera
Fixed bug with cameras in fast mode
Separated the gaussianNoise field into two fields (colorNoise and depthNoise). Warning: gaussianNoise is deprecated from now
Fixed crash when adding devices and reseting a controller from a Supervisor (thanks to Sven)
Fixed crash when modifying the scene tree after an "import VRML" operation (thanks to Weiwei Wan)
e-puck: Fixed bug preventing to set speeds in remote-control mode (thanks to Christophe)
DARwIn-OP: proto of the robot and controller using the DARwIn-OP gait generator
KUKA youBot
Added a new wheels model based on non-uniform friction increasing drastically the simulation speed
Added a small inverse kinematics module
Added a prototype of the tower of hanoi contest